Humans of WGS

Begun in 2019, the Humans of WGS is an ongoing photo series project dedicated to showcasing the academic accomplishments, extracurricular interests, and personal insights of our WGS community members.


We invite you to nominate or challenge your fellow peers to answer short prompts such as “If you could construct your own WGS course, what might it look like?” or “What does the future of feminism mean to you?” Your answers will be featured on our newsletter, social media, and/or marketing campaigns. Submit responses—or nominations—on this form.


We invite current Women’s and Gender Studies students, faculty, and alumni to submit a reflection, or a photo and written feature (300 words max.) reflecting on their academic, professional, and personal experiences in the program through this form. These personal submissions will be featured in our newsletter, social media, and/or marketing campaigns.


Interested in writing a feature for our special edition, end-of-semester newsletter? Email us at with an idea for a story you’d like to write pertaining to the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, such as a personal submission relating to your experience navigating women’s and gender studies issues within or outside of the classroom or a creative writing piece relating to women’s and gender issues (e.g., poetry, fiction writing, etc).


Those graduating from the Women’s and Gender Studies Program are strongly encouraged to fill out this form to be honored in our end-of-year newsletter and senior send-off social media posts. Submission deadlines are the 1st of December for Fall graduates and the 1st of May for Spring graduates.