我们希望学生们发现他们的住宿生活安排是他们大学经历的一个积极的部分. 如果室友担心或生活变化需要改变住所, 住宿生活办公室已经制定了协议,帮助学生计划顺利过渡. 

Roommate Concerns

学生应该根据生活方式等个人兼容性因素住在一起, habits, and preferences. 居住生活办公室的感觉是,你和谁住在一起更重要, ultimately, than where you live.

有室友问题的学生应该先和他们的宿舍助理谈谈, who will work with them to mediate roommate conflicts. 如果调解过程不成功,学生应该和他们的家长谈谈 Resident Director, 谁来评估情况以决定是否需要换房间, if so, assist students with that process.

Housing Appeals

大学住房申诉程序适用于不希望住在校外,并且在保证住房资格之外要求额外学期/年的大学住房的全日制本科生. 通过录取通知书,学生可以获得保证学年的住房, and the guaranteed years begin with the enrollment start date. If a student does not wish to live on-campus during a guaranteed year, 他们不能将住宿学年转到另一个学年. 申请大学住宿的学生应该选择他们不能住在校外的原因, Returning from Leave, or Other).  Due to a limited number of available beds, 我们无法批准大多数校园住房申请.

Residential Life staff review all appeals on an individual, 根据具体情况,并可根据需要与其他部门的员工联系和协商,以核实信息并作出决定.  All decisions are made on an individual need basis.

提交住宿申诉的学生应提供他们无法住在校外的原因. 请注意,我们无法为所有要求住宿的学生提供校内住宿. 我们将尽最大努力提供尽可能多的额外住房年限. 最初未被批准的学生可能会被列入候补名单,原因如下:

  • Requesting to live in university housing to live with friends
  • 由于学习和工作繁忙,要求住在大学宿舍
  • 因参加学生组织或俱乐部要求住在大学宿舍
  • 因实习要求,申请住在大学宿舍
  • 由于找不到校外住房,要求住在大学宿舍
  • 由于对先前的住房不满意,要求住在大学宿舍
  • Requesting to live in university housing for non-specific reasons

Off-Campus Housing Resources

On the Off-Campus Housing Database, you as a student can review apartment listings, post a roommate profile, add your own sublet listings, and review resources. Simply log in using your Agora username and password. If you have specific questions related to off-campus housing, please visit Off-Campus Student Living at ctib.emotionsamsara.com/offcampus, email offcampus@emotionsamsara.com, or call 617-552-3075.

Leave of Absence

住在校园里的学生,如果打算离开住房,或者有暂定或保留住房分配的学生,如果不再需要住房,必须这样做 在Agora门户网站(在“My Res Life”链接下)提交休假表 正式通知住宿生活办公室他们打算离开住房或不住在校园里. 每个学生提交请假表应仔细审查我们的住房取消费用和退款政策. 

学生请假离开住房不保证一个特定的房间分配后,返回. However, preferences will be honored whenever possible. 从学院请假的学生一旦被重新录取为全日制走读学生,将被要求提交一份住房申诉表. Please contact placement@emotionsamsara.com with any questions.

A Leave of Absence is Complete When:

  • 住宿休假表已通过Agora门户网站以电子方式提交给住宿生活办公室.
  • If you are currently living on-campus, 所有个人物品和不需要的物品已从学生的住房分配中妥善移除,任何已颁发的钥匙已直接归还给住宿生活中心办公室.

A leave of absence between the first and fifth 不再注册的学生一周的课程将按照大学的退款时间表进行, as published in the Conditions for Residency. No refund is possible after the fifth week of classes.

Please Note: If you are a three-year housing guarantee student, you are required to live off campus during your junior year. 在其他任何一年的请假不能代替你的强制性大三校外学年.

Housing Accommodations

任何因健康状况要求分配住房的学生, 心理或身体残疾必须到卫生部门登记或重新登记 Disability Services Office by the priority deadlines established for each semester.


1. Complete the Disability Services Registration Form online.

2. Submit documentation (either attach it with your online registration, or email/fax it to the Disability Services email disabsrv@emotionsamsara.com). Please review Documentation requirements on their website.

3. Make an initial registration meeting with Disability Services staff. Your meeting will take place via phone/Google Hangout. To schedule a meeting please use their online scheduling calendar. If you encounter issues, please call (617) 552-3434. (请注意,注册和文件步骤都必须在会议之前完成.)

4. 文件将由残疾事务办公室以滚动方式审查. 一旦学生的申请被审查并做出决定,学生将通过他们的BC电子邮件帐户收到通知.

Appropriate documentation must include the following:

1. 由有资格评估和诊断此类疾病的持牌专业人员作出的明确诊断. This professional may not be a member of the student's family.

2. Description of the student's history with this diagnosis.

3. 描述与学术环境相关的残疾/状况对功能的影响和限制.

4. Current treatment plan, including medications.

5. Recommendation for specific accommodation(s). **说明为何建议的住宿在医学上是必要的. 所描述的功能限制和建议的住宿之间必须有非常明确的联系.**

6. 文件必须是英文的,在提供商抬头的信纸上,并签名和注明日期.

7. Documentation must be current, within one year.  

文件将由残疾事务办公室以滚动方式审查. 一旦学生的申请被审查并做出决定,学生将通过他们的BC电子邮件帐户收到通知.