房间类型 & 三维模型


电子游戏软件提供三种主要类型的房间:传统,套房和公寓. 此页面描述并给出了每种类型房间的标准版本的图像. 你所居住的实际房间可能看起来不完全像所提供的图像,因为每个建筑的布局都在变化. Note that each type of room is not available on each part of campus, so be sure to pay attention to the locations given in the descriptions.


在申请过程中,您可能会被要求提供您的住房类型偏好. 房间描述由三个不同的信息组成:(1) 房间的风格, (2) 能力(3) 学校的位置. Here are some examples of room descriptions:

传统的 3大学路 
公寓 4人 较低的校园 

传统的 Style Residences:

传统的 style halls have varying combinations of double, 三倍, 四, 或者是三人间. They have common bathrooms on each floor. Residents in these halls must enroll in the full 大学膳食计划. 虽然每个房间类型的形状和布局都有一些变化,这取决于大厅, a standard version of each room type is described and pictured below.

传统风格的大厅在我们所有的校园都有,包括以下大厅, 韦尔奇, 威廉姆斯, 闲谈, 罗耀拉, 泽维尔, 芬威克, Cheverus, Kostka, Medeiros, 菲茨帕特里克, 贡扎加, 肖家, 凯斯大厅, 哈迪的房子, 库欣大厅, 杜谢恩, 联邦大道66号, 和Greycliff.


传统的单人间位于Upper和牛顿校区以及66 Commonwealth Ave. 和格雷克利夫庄园.

电子游戏软件一个典型的传统单间大约是8英尺宽,12英尺长. These rooms come furnished with a desk, bed, dresser, and closet. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.




传统的 double rooms are located on the Upper, 牛顿, and 大学路 Campuses as well as 66 Commonwealth Ave. 和格雷克利夫庄园.

电子游戏软件一个典型的传统双人间大约是12英尺宽,16英尺长. These rooms come furnished with 2 desks, 2 beds, 2 dressers, and 2 closets. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.




传统的 三倍 rooms are located on the Upper, 牛顿, and 大学路 Campuses as well as 66 Commonwealth Ave.

电子游戏软件一间典型的传统三人房大约23英尺宽,16英尺长. These rooms come furnished with 3 desks, 3 beds, 3 dressers, and 3 closets. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.



传统的 Lofted Triple Room:

传统的 lofted 三倍 rooms are located on the Upper campus.

电子游戏软件(电子游戏软件)的一间高架三人房大约有12英尺宽,16英尺长.*这些房间配有3张桌子,3张床,3个梳妆台和2个壁橱. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.


*根据马萨诸塞州住房法第二章的授权, minimum standards of fitness for human habitation (105 CMR 410.100), 纽顿市卫生与公众服务部批准了对最低平方英尺要求的变更(105cmr 410).400) to allow specific rooms to be used as 三倍s.

传统的 Lofted Triple 3D Top
传统的 Lofted Triple 3D

传统的 Quadruple Room:

传统的四合院位于Upper, 牛顿和大学路校区.

电子游戏软件(电子游戏软件)一间典型的传统四居室大约16英尺宽,36英尺长. 这些房间配有4张桌子,4张床,4个梳妆台和4个壁橱. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.


传统Quad 3D


套件s have two or 三个 people per bedroom, 四个都可以, 六个, 七个, 八个, 或者每间套房九个人. Each contains a private bathroom and common area within the suite. Residents are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their suites. Residents in suite style halls are required to have the full 大学膳食计划. 套件s are found in: 沃尔什, Vanderslice, 90 St. Thomas More, and 抑制物 Halls.


4人, 2 bedroom suites are located in 沃尔什 hall.

A typical 4-person suite at 电子游戏软件 contains two, 双人房卧室, 入口小, a storage closet and a bathroom. The bedrooms have approximately 140 square feet of space. 这些卧室配有2张桌子,2张床,2个梳妆台,2张桌椅和2个壁橱.



6 Person, 2 Bedroom 套件s:

6 person, 2 bedroom suites are located in 90 St. 托马斯莫尔大厅.

A typical 6 person suite at 电子游戏软件 contains two, 三倍-occupancy卧室, 公共客厅, 1 bathroom and a kitchenette and dining area. 卧室的面积约为180平方英尺,客厅和餐厅的总面积约为200平方英尺. 这些卧室配有1张桌子,3张床,3个梳妆台,1张桌椅和2个壁橱. The living room and dining room have 1 couch, 2把椅子, 咖啡桌, a dining room table and 4 chairs. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.



8 Person, 4 Bedroom 套件s:

8-person, 4 bedroom suites are located in Vanderslice, 90 St. Thomas More, 抑制物 Hall, and 沃尔什 halls.

A typical 8-person apartment at 电子游戏软件 contains 四个, 双人房卧室, 公共客厅, 2 bathrooms and a kitchenette and dining area. 卧室的面积约为170平方英尺,客厅和餐厅的总面积约为300平方英尺. 这些卧室配有2张桌子,2张床,2个梳妆台,2张桌椅和2个壁橱. The living room and dining room have 2 couches, 2把椅子, 咖啡桌, a dining room table and 4 chairs.

8-person suites in Vanderslice, 90 St. Thomas More, and 抑制物 Halls have full-sized refrigerators. The 8-person rooms in 沃尔什 Hall have refrigerators.


9 Person, 3 Bedroom 套件s:

9 person, 3 bedroom suites are located in Vanderslice Hall.

A typical 9-person suite at 电子游戏软件 contains 三个, 三倍-occupancy卧室, 公共客厅, 2 bathrooms and a kitchenette and dining area. 卧室的面积约为170平方英尺,客厅和餐厅的总面积约为300平方英尺. 这些卧室配有1张桌子,1张桌椅,3张床,3个梳妆台和2个壁橱. The living room and dining room have 2 couches, 2把椅子, 咖啡桌, a dining room table and 4 chairs. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.



公寓 Style Residences:

公寓s have two or 三个 people per bedroom, 任意两个都可以, 三个, 四个, or 六个 people per apartment. 每个都包含一个私人浴室,客厅,用餐区和完整的厨房. 住户有责任保持公寓的清洁. Residents in apartments are not required to participate in the 大学膳食计划; however, may elect to sign up for the 弹性用餐计划. The areas of apartments include the Modular 公寓s, 鲁宾斯坦, Ignacio, Voute, 加百利, Thomas More公寓, 和水库公寓. 公寓s are located on 较低的校园.

2 Person, 1 Bedroom 公寓s:

2 person, 1 bedroom apartments are located in: 储层 Apts.
A typical 2 person apartment at 电子游戏软件 contains one, 双人房的卧室, 公共客厅, 1 bathroom and a kitchen and dining area. 卧室的面积约为180平方英尺,客厅和餐厅的总面积约为300平方英尺. 这些卧室配有2张桌子,2张床,2个梳妆台,2张桌椅和2个壁橱. The living room and dining room have a love seat, 2把椅子, 咖啡桌, a dining room table or breakfast bar and 4 chairs. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.

3 Person, 1 Bedroom 公寓s:

3 person, 1 bedroom apartments are located in: 储层 Apts.
A typical 3 person apartment at 电子游戏软件 contains one, 三倍-occupancy卧室, 公共客厅, 1 bathroom and a kitchen and dining area. 卧室的面积约为210平方英尺,客厅和餐厅的总面积约为300平方英尺. 卧室配有3张桌子,3张床,3个梳妆台,3张桌椅和3个壁橱. The living room and dining room have a love seat, 2把椅子, 咖啡桌, a dining room table or breakfast bar and 4 chairs. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.

4 Person, 2 Bedroom 公寓s:

4人, 2 bedroom apartments are located in: 加百利, Voute, Ignacio, 鲁宾斯坦, 托马斯·莫尔, 和储层类.
A typical 4-person apartment at 电子游戏软件 contains two, 双人房卧室, 公共客厅, 1 bathroom and a kitchen and dining area. The Ignacio and 鲁宾斯坦 Hall 4-person apartments have 2 bathrooms. 卧室的面积约为160平方英尺,客厅和餐厅的总面积约为300平方英尺. 这些卧室配有2张桌子,2张床,2个梳妆台,2张桌椅和2个壁橱. The living room and dining room have a love seat, 2把椅子, 咖啡桌, a dining room table or breakfast bar and 4 chairs. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.


6 Person, 3 Bedroom 公寓s:

6人,3间卧室的公寓位于:Modulars, Ignacio, 鲁宾斯坦和托马斯·莫尔.
A typical 6 person apartment at 电子游戏软件 contains 三个, 双人房卧室, 公共客厅, 1 bathroom and a kitchen and dining area. The Ignacio and 鲁宾斯坦 Hall 6 person apartments have 2 bathrooms. 卧室的面积约为150平方英尺,客厅和餐厅的总面积约为350平方英尺. 这些卧室配有2张桌子,2张床,2个梳妆台,2张桌椅和2个壁橱. The living room and dining room have a love seat, 2把椅子, 咖啡桌, a dining room table or breakfast bar and 4 chairs. 请务必自备床单,因为不包括在房内.


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